I/O operations for OME-TIFF files in Julia with a focus on correctness

Adds support for reading OME-TIFF files to the Images.jl platform. Allows fast and easy interfacing with high-dimensional data with nice labeled axes provided by AxisArrays.jl.


  • Can open a wide-range of OMETIFF files with a special focus on correctness
  • Supports memory-mapping to open large TIFF files quickly even on memory-constrained machines
  • Spatial and temporal axes are annotated with units if available (like μm, s, etc)
  • Channel and position axes use their original names
  • Elapsed times are extracted and returned using the same labeled axes
  • Important metadata is extracted and included in an easy to access format


OMETIFF.jl will be automatically installed when you use FileIO to open an OME-TIFF file. You can also install it by running the following in the Julia REPL: