Sane microscopy image labeling in Julia

This is collection of simple labeling functions specifically suited for quickly embedding labels in microscopy images. I'm hoping to cover common use-cases like adding timestamps, scalebars, transitions, and extra image details.


Say you have a OME-TIFF with lots of useful metadata exposed via OMETIFF.jl:

using FileIO, ImageShow, AxisArrays
using Unitful: μm
using MicroscopyLabels

img = load(normpath(@__DIR__, "assets", "example.ome.tif"))
Gray ImageMeta with:
  data: 3-dimensional AxisArray{Gray{N0f16},3,...} with axes:
    :y, (0.0:1.3036:666.1396000000001) μm
    :x, (0.0:1.3036:666.1396000000001) μm
    :time, (0.0:10.0:890.0) s
And data, a 512×512×90 reshape(reinterpret(Gray{N0f16}, ::Array{UInt16,6}), 512, 512, 90) with eltype ColorTypes.Gray{FixedPointNumbers.Normed{UInt16,16}}
    Elapsed_Times: Unitful.Quantity{Float64,𝐓,Unitful.FreeUnits{(s,),𝐓,nothing}}[NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s  …  NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s, NaN s]

Any fully annotated AxisArray object should work here, including the output from NRRD.jl, not just OMETIFF.jl

MicroscopyLabels.jl lets you rapidly and accurately annotate the image by reading the internal metadata directly:

scalebar!(img, 50μm)

# lets look at the 30th frame real quick:
view(img, Axis{:time}(30))


label_particles!(img, labels)

Writes text labels generated by ImageMorphology.label_components into img. Writes one text label per centroid identified by ImageMorphology.component_centroids. Ignores the background pixels, i.e. anything labeled with 0.


using MicroscopyLabels
using AxisArrays
using ImageMorphology

# create a 50x50x1 YXT image with one spot
img = AxisArray(zeros(50, 50, 1), Axis{:y}(1:50), Axis{:x}(1:50), Axis{:time}(1:1));
img[10:12, 10:12, 1:1] .= 1.0;

# assign labels using ImageMorphology.label_components
labels = AxisArray(label_components(img .!== 0.0), AxisArrays.axes(img));

label_particles!(img, labels)
scalebar!(img, len; fontsize)

Add a scalebar len long in the bottom left of img along the x axis with text of size fontsize given as a fraction of the smallest spatial axis.


using Unitful: μm
using AxisArrays
using MicroscopyLabels

tmp = AxisArray(zeros(200, 200), Axis{:y}(1μm:1μm:200μm), Axis{:x}(1μm:1μm:200μm));

scalebar!(tmp, 25μm, fontsize=0.06)
timestamp!(img; units)

Writes the timestamp in the upper left corner of a multidimensional image img with the units units. Images are required to have at least the x, y, and time axes labeled, i.e. img should be or contain an AxisArray object with xyt axes. If additional axes are present, the timestamp will be written to all of them.

Simple example

using AxisArrays
using MicroscopyLabels

tmp = AxisArray(zeros(200, 200, 5), Axis{:x}(1:200), Axis{:y}(1:200), Axis{:time}(1:5))

Unitful example

We can also add units to the time axis and have these be embedded in the image

using Unitful: s, minute

tmp = AxisArray(zeros(200, 200, 5), Axis{:x}(1:200), Axis{:y}(1:200),
# convert the units to minutes
timestamp!(tmp, units=minute)